What can we learn from Gen Y?What can we learn from Millennials? Generational differences are often quite plain to see. My grandson, (aged six at the time) once explained to me…e-propertymatters.comSeptember 10, 2020Buying and Selling Real EstateFood for thought
What is your personality trait?Identifying personality traits for better communication is key If you wanted to unlock the secret to better communication and negotiation or simply just wanted to…e-propertymatters.comSeptember 10, 2020Buying and Selling Real EstateFood for thoughtSocial
Divorced or WidowedMoving on when divorced or widowed can be extremely difficult. Finding a new home is just the beginning. The grief of surviving a change can…e-propertymatters.comSeptember 10, 2020Buying and Selling Real EstateFood for thought
Don’t look back- You are not going that wayRemaining positive is not always easy, even for positive people! I have always liked "sayings" and when I am at my lowest will often read…e-propertymatters.comSeptember 10, 2020Food for thoughtSocial
Divorce and Selling your homeSelling your home after a divorce requires good communication between all parties Often there is much emotion wrapped up in a family home. So when…e-propertymatters.comSeptember 1, 2020Buying and Selling Real EstateReal Estate AdviceSocial
The tough times"Let your hopes not your hurts shape your future" Some days it might just seem too hard to see past the gloom. This is especially…e-propertymatters.comAugust 14, 2020Food for thoughtSocial
Death – Not for DummiesDeath is never going to be avoided. This blog is a difficult one to write, merely because I have often wondered why there was…e-propertymatters.comAugust 11, 2020Buying and Selling Real EstateFood for thoughtSocial
Keeping calmWhen I first started writing this blog I was going to call it " clients that scream!" but then decided that people might get the…e-propertymatters.comAugust 10, 2020Buying and Selling Real EstateFood for thoughtSocial
Pandemic and AttitudeLife is never fair It is complex. There are many times in our life when "a decade of awfulness" can descend upon us in a…e-propertymatters.comJune 19, 2020Food for thoughtSocial
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