Keeping your home healthy is an ongoing process

Sometimes we ignore the smaller issues that then become the bigger issues that cause us pain when we get sick or have to pay for extensive remedial work to alleviate further issues.

Climate Change is a very real problem even though there are many out there who think it will go away by ignoring it.

Floods, earthquakes, firestorms – they are happening more frequently around the world, and since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic started we certainly don’t need anymore challenging events.

10 tips to keep a home environment healthy

  1. Keep your home dry and reduce the chances of any health related issues
  2. Insulation in the walls, ceiling and floor space is important – there are many schemes where Government will help. Read more here
  3. Windows – insulate through double layer curtains, or double glaze (if you can afford) There are many products that reduce heat loss through glazing these days Read more here
  4. Make sure you have good moisture extraction in kitchens and bathrooms. A simple test to see if an extraction fan has a good suction is to hold an A4 piece of paper to it and if it can hold it easily then it seems okay. Keep pot lids on to reduce moisture evaporating into the air while cooking.
  5. Vent your clothes  drier to the outside. A dryer can evaporate anywhere from 2.5 litres of moisture into the air per load.
  6. Let the sun shine in by trimming back trees and vegetation close to your windows, and clean out your gutters so water is not trapped by excess leaves and debris.
  7. Ventilate your home for at least 30 minutes each day. It takes less energy to heat up cold dry air than to heat up warm damp air.
  8. Install a Ground Vapour Barrier. If you have more than 50 % of exposed soil underneath your house, you can install a ground vapour barrier. For every 1m2 of exposed soil, 400ml of moisture is evaporated in a 24 hr period. 100m2 of exposed soil can evaporate 40L of moisture per day into the air. Read more here 
  9. Monitor the air quality in your home. A Hygrometer measures the moisture content in the air relative to its absolute maximum capacity at a given temperature. Read more here  
  10. Make sure no water is pooled at your foundation and collecting in your crawl space- It can lead to structural and health issues if left neglected.  A good storm water system is required for that extra run off and pooling. Examples here

“Nothing is impossible- the word itself says “I’m possible!”
